Courses for the Master of Business Administration program are hyperlinked below to the University Bulletin. Please refer to the prerequisites mentioned on this page as those listed on the University Bulletin may differ. All courses offered are three credits unless otherwise indicated.
ACCT 545 – Strategic Cost Management
Previously offered as ACCTG 524 – Managerial Accounting
Prerequisite: ACCTG 511 or ACCTG 512 or ACCTG 800 or equivalent undergraduate course
ACCT 550 - Professional Responsibilities and Ethics in Accounting
ACCTG 800 - Financial and Managerial Accounting
Previously offered as ACCTG 511
BA 800 - Marketing Management
Previously offered as MKTG 500
BA 810 - Supply Chain and Operations Management
Previously offered as OPMGT 510 - Operations Management
Prerequisite: BUSAD 501 or BUSAD 801 or equivalent
BADM 828 - Negotiations
Previously offered as BUSAD 545 - Negotiation Strategies
BADM 834 - Portfolio Management
Previously offered as FIN 506 - Portfolio Theory and Policy
Prerequisite: MBADM 820 or FIN 531 or equivalent
BUSAD 519 - Developing Creative High-Performance Organizations
Prerequisite: MGMT 501
BUSAD 523 - Prices and Markets
BUSAD 542 – Global Intercultural Management
Prerequisite: MGMT 501 or LEAD 501
BUSAD 555 - Full Range Leadership Development
Prerequisite: MGMT 501
BUSAD 556 - Diversity Leadership
Prerequisite: MGMT 501 or permission of instructor
BUSAD 559 - Career Management
Prerequisite: MGMT 501
BUSAD 578 - Managing Business Processes
Prerequisite: MGMT 501
BUSAD 801 - Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decision Making
Previously offered as BUSAD 501
BUSAD 802 - Cornerstones of Sustainability
BUSAD 809 - Triple Bottom Line Accounting
BUSAD 811 - New Ventures Ideation and Feasibility Analysis
Previously offered as BUSAD 511 - New Ventures I
Prerequisite: Six credits in degree program or certification program
BUSAD 822 - New Venture Start-Up
Previously offered as BUSAD 522 - New Ventures II
BUSAD 824 - Finance and Investment for Sustainable Growth
BUSAD 827 - Fixed Income Securities
Previously offered as BUSAD 527/MNGMT 897
Prerequisite: FIN 513 or FIN 813
BUSAD 828 - Mergers and Acquisitions
Previously offered as BUSAD 528
Prerequisite: ACCTG 512 or background in accounting
BUSAD 830 - Biotechnology and Health Industry Overview
Previously offered as BUSAD 530
BUSAD 834 - Ethical Dimensions of Management in the Biotechnology and Health Industry
Previously offered as BUSAD 534
BUSAD 835 - Commercialization of Biopharmaceuticals
Prerequisite: BUSAD 530 or BUSAD 830 or permission of instructor
BUSAD 837 - Managing Digital Enterprises
Previously offered as BUSAD 537 - Management Information Systems
Prerequisite: MGMT 501
BUSAD 876 - Ethical Issues in Information Technology
Previously offered as BUSAD 576
BUSAD 879 - Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Prerequisite: OPMGT 510 or BA 810
BUSAD 882 - Social Entrepreneurship & Community Leadership
Previously offered as BUSAD 582
DAAN 871 Data Visualization
Prerequisite: Approval of Eng. Div.
FIN 805 - Multinational Managerial Finance
Previously offered as FIN 505
Prerequisite: FIN 531 or MBADM 820 or equivalent
FIN 808 - Analysis of Financial Markets
Previously offered as FIN 508
Prerequisite: FIN 531 or MBADM 820 or equivalent
FIN 813 - Speculative Markets
Previously offered as FIN 513
Prerequisite: FIN 508 or FIN 808
HPA 836 - Health Law
Prerequisite: MGMT 501, BUSAD 530 or BUSAD 830
HPA 850 - Health Care Marketing
Prerequisite: MGMT 501, BUSAD 530 or BUSAD 830, or three years of healthcare experience
HRER 501 - Labor and Employment Law
Note: HRER courses are offered through the School of Labor and Employment Relations
HRER 516 - Labor Market Analysis
Note: HRER courses are offered through the School of Labor and Employment Relations
HRER 803 - International and Comparative Employment Relations
Note: HRER courses are offered through the School of Labor and Employment Relations
HRER 816 - Labor Market Analysis
Note: HRER courses are offered through the School of Labor and Employment Relations
IB 800 - International Business Management
Previously offered as IB 500
Prerequisite: MGMT 501 or LEAD 501
LEAD 561 – Dynamic Communication for Leadership Contexts
Prerequisites: LEAD 501 for MLD students; MGMT 501 for MBA students; or, permission of instructor
LEAD 862 - Strategic Leadership
Previously offered as LEAD 562
Prerequisites: LEAD 501, LEAD 555, and LEAD 556 for students enrolled prior to Fall 2019; 24 credits including LEAD 501, LEAD 555, and LEAD 557 for students who enrolled in Fall 2019 or later, or instructor approval; LEAD 501, LEAD 555, and LEAD 556 for MBA students
LEAD 863 - Ethical Dimensions of Leadership
Previously offered as PHIL 597
MBADM 820 - Financial Management
Previously offered as FIN 531
Prerequisites: BUSAD 501 or BUSAD 801 and ACCTG 511, ACCTG 512 or ACCTG 800
MBADM 815 - Ethical and Responsible Business Leadership
Previously offered as BUSAD 551 - Business, Ethics, and Society
MGMT 501 - Behavioral Science in Business
MGMT 507 - Positive Organizational Behavior and Wellbeing
MGMT 823 - Organizational Change: Theory and Practice
Previously offered as MGMT 523
MGMT 841 - Human Resources Management
Previously offered as MGMT 541
MGMT 871 - Strategic Management
Previously offered as MGMT 571
Prerequisite: 27 credits including all Foundation Courses
MGMT 873 - Corporate Innovative Strategies
Previously offered as MGMT 573
Prerequisite: MGMT 501 or LEAD 501
MKTG 518 - Global Marketing
Prerequisites: MGMT 501 and MKTG 500 or BA 800
MNGMT 897 - Special Topics
Prerequisites vary by course topic. (Note: Students may take multiple MGMNT 897 courses during their program depending on their area of interest.)
SWENG 545 - Data Mining
Prerequisite: INSC 521 or approval of Eng. Div.
Class Availability
If the course you are trying to schedule is full, please contact the department at 610-648-3229 or e-mail for further advising.
The University reserves the right to cancel or postpone any course because of insufficient enrollment or other unforeseen circumstances. This document is informational and is not binding on the University.